
Scions of the Dark Goddess - A modern era Call of Cthulhu campaign

Created by Shadowlands Games

Scions of the Dark Goddess is a modern era campaign for Call of Cthulhu 7E (seal of Chaosium). Uncover a conspiracy that adapts the cycle of the Black Goat with a Thousand Young Mythos with hot topics like bioengineering, social media and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wanna bet?
4 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 08:52:31 AM

Hello backers!

We are in the final stretch and we have the last goal ahead of us!

If we reach the next stretch goal every dice set will include a bonus/penalty d100. And they will be the great number of 25 unlocke stretch goals! High-quality maps for the keeper, soundtrack, newspaper, upgraded game aids and handouts... 

It is getting close, but still not enough. 

Will we be able to unlock the extra dice? Wanna bet?

What do you think? Take the poll!


Shadowlands Games

P.S.: by the way. Can you help us to achieve that? Share the campaign. Pledge a get all the rewards and stretch goals of this awesome campaign. Your push can be decisive!

4 months ago – Mon, May 27, 2024 at 05:19:00 AM


Discover A Desperate Cry, an investigative, harsh-themed scenario set in the present day for Call of Cthulhu 7th. It takes the Cthulhu Mythos to the limits of morality to test the characters' convictions with tough life dilemmas.

“What happens when a loved one can be saved at the cost of the lives of others, is all blood shed worth the same, or perhaps there are lives that do not deserve to be lived and others that do? What happens when the villain does good things using horrible means, does the end justify the means? When you have to face these questions by yourself... Well. Good luck answering them.”

This scenario is independent and is not related with Scions of the Dark Goddess.

Click here to get this add-on!

With this Add-on you will get a physical copy of A Desperate Cry scenario. Digital copy included.


Shadowlands Games

4 months ago – Sun, May 26, 2024 at 08:13:26 AM

Hello backers!

This is great! Thanks to you, Scions of the Dark Goddess is becoming the best edition possible. But it wouldn't be perfect if we didn't have a new goal to complete your rewards. And here you have it. The new objective we have ahead of us.

If we reach €220,000, all dice sets will have an additional custom dice. It stands out for its different but complementary color, ideal for dice rolls with bonus/penalty dice.

Isn't it awesome?

Click HERE and pledge now and help us achieve it, and you'll get 23 unlocked stretch goals and this great modern campaign for Call of Cthulhu 7th.

ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! Don't leave it for when Cthulhu wakes up. Get your rewards now!


Shadowlands Games

PAPERS, PLEASE? Your amazing support brings a new stretch goal
4 months ago – Sat, May 25, 2024 at 11:47:06 PM

You've done it!  We've shattered the €180,000 mark and unlocked Scions of the Dark Goddess player passports.  These will be a fantastic tool for your investigators to track data, key details, and stories from each scenario. They'll also serve as a chilling reminder of how many chapters your characters manage to survive...

a nice extra help for your players to track data and key details of every scenario in the campaign. And to take note of how many chapters they manage to keep their characters alive!

Dark Goddess level backers will receive four FREE printed passports included in their pledge. For those who want extras, they'll be available through the pledge manager.

What exciting horrors await next?  We'll reveal it soon. Please stay tunned and spread the word!


Shadowlands Games

UNLOCKED: Keep Your NPC Cards Safe and Sound with One Box to Store Them All!
4 months ago – Thu, May 23, 2024 at 08:34:52 AM

Hi backers!

Thanks to your unwavering support, we've hit another milestone for Scions of the Dark Goddess!

We’re thrilled to introduce the €160K stretch goal: the NPC deck box! Now, in addition to having a full NPC deck for every chapter of the Scions campaign, you’ll receive a sturdy box to protect and transport your cards. This top-quality box ensures your supporting characters are well-kept and ready for action. This reward is included for our Dark Goddess level backers.

Help us reach more rewards. Pledge and share the campaign now!


Shadowlands Games